Get an Expert's Help
Elena has coached thousands of clients from over 34 countries in the last 15 years. With a consistent success rate of over 97%, she is the foremost expert in the natural health field. She developed a system that allows us to quickly pinpoint the root causes of your health struggles and allows us to create a custom plan to resolve those causes once and for all.
"I've gone through the medical system, through functional doctors, all the way to naturopaths, and I will tell you - there is NOTHING that works better than this program! You just have to do it."
Angela reversed a hormone disorder, healed SIBO, Adrenal Fatigue, H-Pilory, lost 17 lbs, and no longer needs supplements or medications!
Susan struggled with weight during and post-pregnancy. Going from being a competitive swimmer to weighing in at over 270 lbs was not the dream she had for her life.
The extra weight was damaging to more than just her self-esteem – it was affecting her hormones and long-term health.
I helped Susan to change her lifestyle and her diet. No calorie counting! No weighting her food or counting points.
In 12 months, Susan lost over 105+ lbs, regained her confidence, and became active again to keep up with her children. Eight years later - she still kept off the weight!
After 15 years of painful PCOS symptoms, 10 years living in depression, and having to take 4 medications; no energy, sporadic periods, and constant fatigue, Ashleigh knew that she could keep living this way. She and her daughter needed her to be at her best.
We got to the root cause of Ashleigh's PCOS. And once she embraced her life without medication, as approved by her doctor, she...
Dropped 34 lbs., regulated her menses, and now lives PCOS symptoms FREE!
If you are...
Work with our team to get clarity on what keeps you suffering and to CREATE YOUR CUSTOMIZED SUCCESS PLAN, so you can hit the bull's eye EVERY SINGLE TIME!
It's time to reclaim your health once and for all!
This will be the most important call of your life! I guarantee it!
"Everyone is seeing the benefit of me being happy inside and out. Before, I was just surviving and trying to figure out how to thrive, but could not get there. And now, I am very much thriving. You won't find anything else like this."
Belonn reversed Hashimoto's and 39 symptoms, lost weight, healed goiter and infertility, and regained her energy and zest for life.
Comparison of Benefits between 360 Impact Health Programs and
360 Foundations Individual Consultation Options
Our Programs are designed to get you to your health goals faster, providing you with most support and accountability
Health History Review
Idenfity Root Causes
Individualized plan to address root causes: 3 on the first call, 1-2 on each call thereafer
Individualized meal plan
360 Foundation 10-lesson course on nutrtion, supplements, medications, medical industry
Support provided on the call only
Progress review is done at the time of the call
Frequency of calls is determined by you
Health History Review
Idenfity Root Causes
Individualized plan to address root causes - going at a pace most conducive to getting quick outcomes and work with your goals and lifestyle
Individualized meal plan
360 Impact Health 13 week course covering all areas of health: nutrition, mindset, mutations, trauma healing, supplements, communicating with your medical team, deep dive into each hormone, thyroid and autoimmune disorder, understanding best quality of foods for health, covering personal care product, environmental factors, and so much more
In-depth lesson for each root cause
Weekly Group calls for support and education
Weekly journal reviews to provide you with immediate feedback to ensure fast progress and to assess the timing of the next phase to address all root causes
Email support - 2 emails per week
Individual calls: once every 6 weeks
Private online client support group
Health History Review
Idenfity Root Causes
Individualized plan to address root causes - going at a pace most conducive to getting quick outcomes and work with your goals and lifestyle
Individualized meal plan
360 Impact Health 13 week course covering all areas of health: nutrition, mindset, mutations, trauma healing, supplements, communicating with your medical team, deep dive into each hormone, thyroid and autoimmune disorder, understanding best quality of foods for health, covering personal care product, environmental factors, and so much more
In-depth lesson for each root cause
Weekly Group calls for support and education
Weekly journal reviews to provide you with immediate feedback to ensure fast progress and to assess the timing of the next phase to address all root causes
Email support - unlimited emails access
As needed - determined by our coaches; more frequently than in the LITE option
Private online client support group
This program is available in 3, 6, or 9 month durations.
The longer duration allows for deeper work on addressing root causes of health issues holistically, including nutrition, supplements, stress management, trauma healing, cleanses, epigenetics, spirituality and more through personalized coaching.
Have questions about which option is best for you? Email us and we will be happy to guide you through the process.
Health Multiplier Bonus - save $4000
Health Multiplier Bonus - save $9000
Ready to begin on the same day of your initial consultation?
Take advantage of the Same-Day Commitment Bonus of...
...in addition to the Health Multiplier Bonus,
and begin your healing journey for only...
Health Multiplier Bonus - save $4000
Health Multiplier Bonus - save $9000
Contact us IF YOU WANT to enroll in any of these options.
Fees are nonrefundable upon enrollment.
5 years ago I was diagnosed with Grave's disease. I had worked with numerous doctors, tried different diets, read books, took supplements, and did everything I knew to get better, but I was stuck. My doctors were recommending either a thyroidectomy or a Radioactive Iodine Treatment. I did not want either, because I knew that my quality of life would not improve.
I had so many symptoms that I could barely move through the day. And then I found Elena.
She helped me to get clarity on what made and kept me sick, and developed a plan that was specific to me to get better. I am happy to report that only 8 weeks into working with Elena and her team, I am symptom-free!
"I lost a lot of money by not being engaged in my business. But now, I've already earned my investment back. I can earn 3-4 times more this year vs when I was sick and laid out on the couch. I am happy to live my life again."
Lisa reversed hypothyroidism, extreme fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, became medication-free, and healed 36 more symptoms in 8 weeks.
Secure your spot in the program or choose a consultation package.
After the payment is submitted, you will be redirected to OUR CALENDAR.
Pick a time that works for your Consultation, and you are 100% certain you can make.
We recommend allowing at least 72+ hours prior to the call, so that we can send you your intake form, answer your questions, and you have a chance to collect any information you need from your medical providers.
Once you've picked the time, confirm it. WAIT for the page to refresh to ensure the booking happens. THEN, you will be directed to a...
Confirmation Page
Our team will be in touch within 24 hours to provide you with an intake form and further details.
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