Be sure to add the time and date of your call to YOUR CALENDAR!
On the call, we will get clarity on:
This will be the BEST TIME you ever spent on your health!
IMPORTANT: We respect your and our time. Please be on time! If you are late to the call or do not make it without notification, your call will be canceled. Should you wish to reschedule, we charge a $50 reschedule fee.
Pick out TWO (2) case studies below and listen to them in their ENTIRETY
If you did not finish watching THE 5 SHIFTS TO THYROID AND HORMONE HEALTH webinar, or if your significant other has not watched it with you, USE THIS LINK to watch the replay PRIOR to your health strategy call.
Please visit THIS PAGE to learn about 360° Impact Health and Elena.
Answer these THREE (3) questions and be ready to discuss them on the call:
1. If we were having a discussion with you 90 days, 12 months and three years from today, what has to have happened in your health, and in your life, for you to feel happy with your progress?
2. What are your top three strengths?
3. What are your top three weaknesses?
even if you've already tried everything.
Maria Scott
Master Health Coach
DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person and are not guaranteed. You actually have to apply the strategies we teach if you want to alleviate symptoms of a hormone imbalance. However, our goal is to help you cut down the learning curve in order to achieve desired results.
This training is intended to be used for information purposes only. 360° Impact Coaching Corp. will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of the information contained in it. We are not doctors or nutritionists and do not claim to be such. Nothing in this training is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. We shall not be held liable for the decisions made by readers of this site.
If you are not willing to accept this, please DO NOT attend this training or schedule the call.
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