The 5 Shifts My Clients Make to Resolve
Their Thyroid & Hormone Disorders

even if they had been battling symptoms for years!

I’ve identified 5 Reasons why most people's efforts to resolve thyroid, autoimmune, and hormone disorder symptoms may not be generating the outcomes they deserve...

...and 5 Simple Shifts You Can Make to Start Addressing These Issues Immediately.

I am sharing them in my training.

During This Training, You'll Discover...

The REAL cause of thyroid and hormone imbalances: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s, Thyroid Eye Disease, PCOS, endometriosis, and infertility, and why doctors often get this WRONG! 
Why focusing on medication and supplements is the exact opposite of what someone with these conditions should be doing.
The top 2 thyroid and hormone destroying foods, which are probably lurking in your kitchen RIGHT NOW.
Which SPECIFIC diet helps to OVERCOME thyroid and hormone disorder symptoms.
How to vastly decrease, or even eliminate symptoms of Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, TED, nodule, and Grave's disease NATURALLY - without the nasty side effects from prescription drugs...even years after diagnosis. 
The 5 Shifts My Clients Make To Overcome Their Thyroid Disorder Symptoms...even if they had been battling symptoms for YEARS! to go from feeling drained, missing out on life, always fatigued and ready to give up, to feeling vibrant, empowered, younger, and in love with life, using my easy method that uses the latest, cutting-edge health research and science. (This method has helped thousands to reclaim their hormone health already.)

If you're tired of researching, wasting your time and money on trying things that don't work, and simply not knowing what to do...

And you're ready for a Better Life and a Healthier Body...

You NEED This Training! 

Elena Isoldi Medici

Elena is a Master Health & Life Coach. She specializes in serving those with thyroid, hormone, and autoimmune disorders. She's helped thousands achieve health naturally.   


"Elena is the Harvard of Health Coaching!"

- Dr. Hightower, MD

"Elena beat her hormone imbalance: hypothyroidism and infertility and is now helping others reclaim their hormone health. She is unstoppable!"

- Woman's World Magazine



Revesersed hypothyroidism in under 8 weeks, and is now medication-free, full of energy and sarted a new business de of her newfound health and a sense of joy and purpose.


Carmen reversed PCOS and hypothyroidism symptoms in 6 weeks, confirmed by three different doctors, who took her off meds. She then conceived naturally after that and is now a proud Mom of a little girl.


Nikki's Grave's disease was stealing her joy and quality fo life. Things were getting progressively worse. Now, as confirmed by her doctors, Grave's in remission. She is medication-free and is brimming with energy. 


After years of struggling and living through a miscarriage, Itzel resolved infertility in 2 weeks, and Hashimoto's diagnosis in under 6 months. Since then, she went on to have 3 healthy pregnancies and deliviries.

DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person and are not guaranteed. You actually have to apply the strategies we teach if you want to aliviate symptoms of a hormone imbalance. However, our goal is to help you cut down the learning curve in order to achieve desired results. 

This training is intended to be used for information purposes only. 360° Impact Coaching Corp. will not be held accountable for the use or misuse of the information contained in it. We are not doctors or nutritionists and do not claim to be such. Nothing in this training is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. We shall not be held liable for the decisions made by readers of this site. 

If you are not willing to accept this, please DO NOT attend this training. 

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by TikTok in any way.  

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